
Enrolment FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

How many students attend Loreto Normanhurst?

How do I visit the school? What Enrolment related events are important to attend?

Do we have to be Catholic to apply?

When should I enrol my daughter?

What are the key steps to enrol my daughter?

What are the fees?

Do you have city boarding options?

Does the school offer bursaries and scholarships?

How can my daughter travel to and from the school?

What is learning like at Loreto Normanhurst?

What are the pastoral care and wellbeing programs?

What Extra-Curricular activities are available?

What sports do you offer?

Is Saturday Sport compulsory?

What uniform does my daughter require?

What are the normal school hours?

When are the school holidays?

Does my daughter require her own laptop?

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