When you join Loreto Normanhurst you will progress your career, guided by a best-in-class team, while having the flexibility to pursue your passions beyond the classroom. We are committed to supporting innovative teaching practices, teacher excellence and creating opportunities for your professional growth.
Professional Development

Professional Development
Engage in our award-winning learning model, the Loreto Normanhurst Student Growth Model, which holistically considers the whole student, and make meaningful change for the next generation of strong female leaders.
Relationships are central to life at Loreto Normanhurst and the nurturing of community and teamwork is an integral part of the way in which staff at the school work together.
Development Opportunities
The school provides an extensive and diverse range of professional learning development opportunities including:

Staff Professional Learning Days
- We have dedicated Staff Days throughout the year (at the beginning and end of Term) covering a program of staff professional learning opportunities incorporating Workplace Health and Safety (WHS), student protection, and cultural and professional development learnings. Staff days allow for learning, networking, and collaboration.
- First Aid and CPR training is offered twice a year onsite for all staff.
Staff Spirituality Day is held annually and is designed to strengthen staff understanding of the Loreto charism and its impact on the Loreto Normanhurst community.

Induction Programs for new staff
- Comprehensive Intensive Induction Programs for New Staff are held during the staff days preceding the beginning of Term 1, to provide you with the insights to our unique culture, create awareness and understanding of Mary Ward and the Ignatian Spirit, gain exposure to our resources and technology and build relationships. We strive to support our new colleagues as they commence their new careers and roles with us.
New staff are provided with structured mentoring programs during the first year of their employment to assist with their orientation and integration into the school community & their roles.

Commence your Career with us
Early Career Teachers are nurtured and supported in these critical years, through our internally crafted St Omer year-long program which focuses on the development of professional knowledge, practice and engagement, underpinned by the AITSL Graduate Standards and the LN Graduate Competency Framework outlined below:
- Deepen understanding of the Mary Ward Charism and Ignatian Spirituality
- Managing Self and Emotional Competence
- Teaching across the FACE Curriculum (Faith, Academic, Community, Extra-curricular) building knowledge and professional practice
- Working with others, building networks and professional engagements.
The St Omer Program is delivered by internal specialists and external professionals

Individual and Faculty Professional Development
- All staff are afforded the possibility to participate in a wide variety of conferences, workshops, courses and networks to build their pedagogy.
- Our teaching staff participate in a clear career progression model within the framework of the NESA accreditation program supervised by our Head of Professional Practice and Growth.
- All staff participate in an annual appraisal program that supports the growth of each individual, identifies professional development requirements and opportunities available internally and externally.
- All staff have access to the school’s library resources and outstanding teacher resources and are issued with personal IT devices relevant to their role.
- Each department holds Faculty meetings twice a year enabling the team to come together to plan, collaborate and focus on their pedagogy.
- Teaching staff have dedicated timetable times to partake in fortnightly ‘Open Learning Circle’ cross-faculty groups aimed to build pedagogy, help develop new relationships and enhance diversity of opinion within groups.
Teachmeets events are held each term where teachers from other schools participate and share knowledge and experiences with our colleagues. We value and actively seek out collaboration with likeminded professionals to enhance our external networks and continue to support the growth of our staff.
Leadership and Positions of Responsibility
- Our staff in leadership roles have the chance to participate in our development programs and initiatives and are supported through focused capability leadership training.
- When current staff take extended leave, an internal recruitment process is adhered to fill vacancies of positions of responsibility - allowing for staff to step up temporarily into roles at a higher duty for professional development purposes.
- We recognise these opportunities for growth and actively encourage development of leadership capabilities and competencies.