
Strategic Direction and Mission

In the spirit of Mary Ward, Loreto Normanhurst encourages young women to do much, seeking truth and acting as instruments of justice.

Our Purpose

An Introduction to our Strategic Plan 2023

‘Women for our times’

Four hundred years ago, our foundress Mary Ward faced the uncertainty and unrest prevalent in her society with courage and a fervent conviction that "women in time to come will do much." She did so firm in the knowledge that women are a reflection of the Glory of God, and that to deny this is to deny the full humanity of women everywhere. Watch the introduction below.

Our Mission

Our Mission sets out how we will go about achieving our purpose. Loreto Normanhurst, in the spirit of Mary Ward, as a school community:

  • Encourages
  • Celebrates
  • Develops
  • Propels

each student to fulfil her academic and personal potential, in an atmosphere of freedom, care and respect for the individual.


a joyous Christian faith which grows from reflection and leads to justice.


independent, articulate and compassionate women of integrity.


servant leaders to respond to the needs of the world.

Our Graduate Attributes

Our Purpose, Mission and Values fully realised is the formation of our graduates as 'compassionate warriors:' independent, articulate and compassionate women who are seekers of truth and doers of justice. A Loreto Normanhurst graduate is A WOMEN OF:

  • Conscious Faith
  • Creativity
  • Independent Thinking
  • Grit
  • Service
  • Voice
A woman of Conscious Faith

Gentle Strength, Empathetic, Reflective

A woman of Creativity...

Expressive, Imaginative, Risk-taking

A woman of Independent Thinking...

Curious, Critical Enquirer, Synthesiser

A woman of Grit...

Agile, Resilient, Adaptable

A woman of Service...

Leader, Responsive, Advocate

A woman of Voice...

Confident, Articulate, Considered

2023 Objectives

“Aim at something excellent, our life is largely influenced by what we aim at—our ideals often make our realities.” Mother Gonzaga Barry IBVM

  • We live at the edge of innovating in the pursuit of excellence
  • We actively amplify and expand the reach of our purpose.
  • We serve as global citizens, learning from and sharing with others.
Innovation and excellence

Revitalise the LNSGM & FACE curriculum as a launchpad to grow every student. Invigorate the culture of lifelong learning which inspires excellence in student-centred learning and professional leadership. Develop and steward the infrastructure and resource for a sustainable future as envisaged through the 2047 Master Plan.

We actively amplify and expand the reach of our purpose.

Expand the community's diversity and accessibility to a Loreto Normanhurst education.

We serve as global citizens, learning from and sharing with others.

Elevate staff to be renowned for excellence and pedagogy and professional leadership, sharing back to industry, academia and NGOs as Servant Leaders. Establish meaningful partnerships with, academia, and NGOs to enrich our students; holistic education and the mission of our partners.

Sustainability at Loreto Normanhurst

As part of our commitment to a sustainable future, the school launched the Green Travel Plan in 2019. This action plan promotes and encourages our community to choose sustainable transport options whenever practical.

To date we have progressed the implementation of the Green Travel Plan by:

  • Starting a shuttle bus from Cherrybrook Metro Station with two morning and three afternoon runs.
  • Providing a bicycle storage area for staff and students.
  • Educating students about the Year 12 Car Park permit process.
  • Developing a travel guide to educate parents, staff, and students about public transport options.
  • Increasing the information provided to incoming families and new members of staff about green travel plans.
  • Providing four electric vehicle charging ports for staff use, further promoting sustainable transport options.
  • Researching ways to maximise the six current bus routes reviewed against our current student addresses.

Download our

Transport Access Guide

Plan the best way for you to get to and from Loreto Normanhurst. See our entry and exit points and instructions for traffic flow. Know the guide so you can arrive confidently without stress or uncertainty.

Loreto Normanhurst.
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