This is our vision: that Loreto schools offer a Catholic education which liberates, empowers and motivates students to use their individual gifts with confidence, creativity and generosity in loving and responsible service.
Faith and Justice

The 'F' in our FACE Curriculum. Faith is a key part of our curriculum, with spiritual development interlaced through school life in many ways.
Following the model of the Ignatian tradition, we set time apart from the ordinary to strengthen the spiritual, so that we may truly “find God in all things.” A variety of experiences are offered at the school: the stillness of our midday reflection, early morning Communion Services, a compulsory Sunday evening Boarder Mass, celebrations to mark the Church’s liturgical year and to bring every celebration in our school year into a context of prayer.
Rooted in Catholic principles, our commitment to spiritual development is evident through our diverse and immersive experiences. Students embark on cultural immersions, such as the Songlines and Far North Queensland Outreach Experiences, fostering an understanding of diverse perspectives and deepening their connection to faith.
Our Community Service Program emphasises servant leadership, Gospel values, and empathy, creating socially responsible young women. Through structured service commitments at various year levels, students actively engage in real-world issues, developing critical thinking and a broader understanding of their role in a global community.
Immersive Learning
An integral element of the LNSGM is our comprehensive Formation and Immersion Program. All students from Year 5 to 12 engage in key events every year designed to:
- Challenge students at a level appropriate to their age group;
- Provide opportunity for spiritual formation;
- Reinforce experiences through evaluation and self-reflection;
- Guide students to put their learning into action.
- The following opportunities are provided and are a differentiating component of learning at the Loreto Normanhurst Secondary School:

Community Service
At Loreto Normanhurst, we believe in the capacity and responsibility of our young women to contribute significantly to society. This belief underlies the Community Service program for Year 7 to 12 students.
Service is an integral part of the FACE Curriculum. It contributes to the faith life of our students as they learn the importance of servant leadership and the power of Gospel values such as love, mercy, compassion and empathy. It also develops an awareness of different perspectives present in our society, enhances critical thinking and allows for empathetic engagement with real-world issues.
Students are required to complete between 5 and 20 hours of Community Service in a year. In Year 7 and 8, students may choose to help at a local sporting club, local church community or with community groups. In Year 9 to 11, they may volunteer in aged care, respite care for people with disabilities, special education, environmental groups or other community-based volunteer work. Service is also built in to our learning programs and Immersions, including our Year 9 Far North Queensland experience.