
Community and Pastoral Care

The 'C' in our FACE Curriculum

Pastoral Care in Secondary

Loreto Normanhurst has a really strong support network through our Pastoral Teams which I think is really important to create a sense of belonging.

Lucy Harrison, School Captain 2024

From the Director of Pastoral Care, Marysa Boland

Our Pastoral Approach

The main aim of Pastoral Care in both the Day and Boarding School at Loreto Normanhurst is to provide a caring educational environment where positive relationships are developed and where each girl is known and cared for as an individual.

Social and emotional learning is fostered to develop each student’s capacity to be self and socially aware, embrace resilience, make responsible decisions, and contribute positively to relationships. These skills are essential protective factors for wellbeing and supports students to flourish across the entire FACE Curriculum (Faith, Academic, Community, Extra-Curricular).

Students are guided in living out the Loreto and Gospel values of the School, to give back to others with generosity, to find joy in both triumph and challenge, and to understand who they are and the uniqueness they can offer.

Pastoral Support

Our House System

The strong Pastoral Program of our Secondary School is fostered by our close-knit House system. Each student is part of one of eight Houses which consist of seven Tutor Groups. Tutor Groups are organised vertically with students from Year 7 to 12, which encourages a sense of connection and friendship across year groups. Each Tutor Group is in the care of a Tutor, and each House is in the care of a Head of House who oversees all aspects of a student’s care and education across the FACE Curriculum. In addition to a Tutor, students in Year 7 and 8 have an Advisor, who is also their Integrated Learning teacher, to assist with the transition into Secondary School.

Conversations and Holistic Plenaries

Students meet regularly with their Tutor or Advisor during 1:1 scheduled ‘Conversations,’ a unique feature of our Pastoral Care model. During a Conversation, students reflect on their growth, challenges and goals across Faith, Academic, Community and Extra-Curricular. Students also participate in an annual Holistic Plenary meeting at which they lead a conversation with their parents and Advisor or Tutor.

School Counsellors

Holistic care is provided to all students by onsite registered nurses, visiting doctors and school counsellors at our Mary Ward Health and Wellness Centre on school grounds.

The School’s counselling service is available daily within school hours to all students, as well as after hours to Boarding students.

Pastoral Programs

The Pastoral Curriculum is evidence-informed and takes a strength-based, preventative approach. Protective factors for wellbeing are enhanced by developing students' sense of belonging and connectedness, incorporating social and emotional learning, and fostering a supportive environment and school culture.

OakSEED Program

The Loreto Normanhurst OakSEED Program (Social and Emotional Educational Development) was crafted in close consultation with clinical psychologist Dr Danielle Einstein and strengthens our whole-school approach to wellbeing. OakSEED incorporates the development of interrelated social and emotional capacities: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.

‘It Takes a Village’ Program for families

A strong partnership between our School and parents is of utmost importance to us at Loreto Normanhurst. Parents are firmly involved in their daughter’s learning and Pastoral development through regular Plenary Meetings with teachers and Tutors/Advisors. We are also pleased to offer a series of expert seminars and workshops through our Parent Engagement and Education program which runs throughout the school year.

Leadership in Secondary

A range of opportunities are offered to students to demonstrate leadership in the Secondary School.

Year 12 Student Council

The Year 12 Student Council includes the following formally appointed roles: School Captain, School Vice-Captain, Boarder Captain, Boarder Vice-Captain, eight House Captains and nine Extra-Curricular Captains (Academic Activities, Communications/SRC, Creative Arts, Ecology, Liturgy, Music, Performing Arts, Social Justice, and Sport).

Year 12 House Council

Within each House, a number of Year 12 House Council roles are appointed: Liturgy Leader, Social Justice Leader, Performing Arts Leader, Music Leader, Sport Leader, Communication Leader, Academic Activities Leader, Creative Arts Leader, and Ecology Leader.

Student Representative Council

The student representative Council consists of students democratically elected by their peers in Year 8 – 10. In each House, one student from each year group is elected to the SRC. The SRC addresses relevant issues and initiatives for the benefit of the whole student body.

Student Ambassadors

Students from Year 9-11 are selected to be Student Ambassadors. These students are responsible for leading school tours throughout the year for future families.

Our 2024 School Leaders

School captains 2024

L-R: Boarding Vice Captain, Louise Gunn, School Captain, Lucy Harrison, School Vice Captain, Tahlia Moses and Boarding Vice Captain, Nellie Nagel


Our 'C' in FACE

Once you join the Loreto Community, you're loved without judgement, you're supported with compassion and you're valued like a sister.

Elizabeth Heilman, Class of 2023

At Loreto Normanhurst, our commitment to community is integral to our educational philosophy. Embracing the African proverb 'it takes a village to educate a child,' our strategy focuses on nurturing a diverse and vibrant community. This involves active participation from parents, teachers, grandparents, past students, and industry experts, creating a rich tapestry of perspectives for our students. We believe in the strength of connections, extending our community across Australia and the world. This breadth enriches the student experience, allowing our students grow in empathy for others, build dialogue by sharing perspective and story, and prepares them to contribute to a future Australia and inter-connected world.

Our active Parent Association, Ex-students’ Association, and special subcommittees like the Fathers of Loreto Daughters strengthen bonds within our community. Together, we create a thriving support system, ensuring our girls are well-prepared to contribute to a connected and diverse future.

Parent Association of Loreto

The Parent Association of Loreto (PAL) has played an integral part of the Loreto Normanhurst community for over 70 years, through supporting the school and strengthening connections between parents.

PAL supports the school through various fundraising initiatives such as the Loreto Normanhurst Spring Fair, where all funds raised in previous years have gone directly to facilities that have benefited students and families around the school. PAL offers every parent of Loreto Normanhurst the opportunity to develop friendships within the school community and to participate and contribute to the life of the school.

Fathers of Loreto Daughters - FOLD

The Fathers of Loreto Daughters subcommittee was established to celebrate the bond between fathers and their daughters whilst fostering a fellowship among fathers in the community. FOLD encourages all fathers to participate and contribute to our community through offering their time, skills, and networks to support the priorities of the school and parent community.

Ex-Students' Association

The Ex-Students' Association has supported the school in various iterations, most significantly in their support of our Bursary Program.


The Ex-Students' Association strives to foster the Loreto spirit through keeping alumnae connected with the school and wider Loreto community including the IBVM and other Loreto schools nationally and globally.

Through my involvement with the school I have many wonderful and special friends in Sydney and, through Loreto Federation, all over Australia. Loreto Normanhurst has been far more than just a school.

Gail Graham (née Garner), Class of 1957

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